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English Learners

Bilingual Children's Day

November 10, 2021, the Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District and the Central Valley Fuego Fútbol Club teamed up to celebrate Bilingual Children’s Day.  The District gave special recognition to students who met the criteria for reclassification and were recognized by the state as attaining proficiency in English.

The Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District takes the reclassification of their English Learners very seriously.  Being bilingual is a powerful asset for learning and for life. It is an honor to recognize these students and celebrate all of the district’s English Learner students and their families. They have the capacity to serve as ambassadors to help bridge and bring cultures together, as well as the potential to be the leaders of tomorrow. Milton Blanco, a local soccer legend and former Fuego player, served as the evening’s keynote speaker, also joining the event was the CA Department of Education Director of Multilingual Support, Alesha Ramirez and Elisa Rivera, Communications Director for Senator Anna Caballero. 

 KECSD believes the ability to speak more than one language is something to celebrate.


DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Council)

The purpose of the DELAC is to ensure communication between the district, schools, parents and families in support of our English Learner students.  The DELAC provides input on the EL Master Plan and the Local Control Accountability Plan.  Both documents play a critical role in describing how the district will meet the needs of our English Learner students.  Members of the DELAC are selected by each site's English Learner Advisory Council.  The public is welcome to attend DELAC meetings.  All DELAC meetings take place at the KESD Board Room, located adjacent to the district office.  All dates and times will be posted in the offices at each school site and the district office, at minimum, 72 hours in advance.

English Learner Master Plan

First page of the PDF file: KECSDELMASTERPLAN_Rev0622

The Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District's vision is to find a way for all students to learn and provide the highest quality education for every child.  In alignment with the District’s goals, we believe it is critical to transition all English Learner’s into fluent English proficient students.  The English Learner Master Plan is a guide to assist all schools in providing every identified student an instructional program that includes daily Designated and Integrated English Language Development, access to core curriculum, and a healthy mind, body and spirit. The Master Plan demonstrates a collaborative effort among all departments to serve English Learners effectively. It also demonstrated our commitment to collaborate with all members of our learning community: employees, parents, students and community partners.