District Directory
School Site Contact Information
Washington Elementary School (K)
1501 Ellis Street, Kingsburg CA 93631
CDS: 10-62240-6006720
Amy Winchell - Principal
Email: awinchell@kesd.org
Kristal Johnston - Head Secretary
Email: kljohnston@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-2955
Fax: (559) 897-6863
Roosevelt School (1st Grade)
1185 10th Avenue, Kingsburg CA 93631
CDS: 10-62240-6006712
Shawn Marshall - Principal
Email: smarshall@kesd.org
Rosa Mendez - Head Secretary
Email: rmendez@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-5193
Fax: (559) 897-6865
Reagan Elementary School (4th-6th Grade)
1180 Diane Avenue, Kingsburg, CA 93631
CDS: 10-62240-0113142
Kerry Pickerell - Principal
Email: kpickrell@kesd.org
Amie Rogers - Learning Director
Email: arogers@kesd.org
Victoria Gonzalez - Head Secretary
Email: vgonzalez@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-6986
Fax: (559) 897-6987
Central Valley Home School (K-8th Grade)
1776 6th Avenue Drive, Kingsburg CA 93631
CDS: 10-62240-6114805
Lisa Regier - Principal
Email: lregier@kesd.org
Gina Chrisman - Head Secretary
Email: gchrisman@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-6740
Fax: (559) 897-6872
Washington Elementary (Pre-School)
1501 Ellis Street, Kingsburg, CA 93631
Tiffany Barkowsky - Supervisor
Email: tbarkowsky@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-6989
Fax: (559) 897-6863
Lincoln Elementary School (2nd-3rd Grade)
1900 Mariposa Street, Kingsburg CA 93631
CDS: 10-62240-6006704
Lauren Galli - Principal
Email: lgalli@kesd.org
Ashley Valdez - Learning Director
Email: avaldez@kesd.org
Jillian Protzmann - Head Secretary
Email: jprotzmann@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-5141
Fax: (559) 897-3537
Rafer Johnson Jr. High (7th-8th Grade)
1300 Stroud Avenue, Kingsburg CA 93631
CDS: 10-62240-6108328
Melody Lee - Principal
Email: mlee@kesd.org
Ivette Clifton - Learning Director
Email: iclifton@kesd.org
Michael Ruiz - Learning Director
Email: mruiz@kesd.org
Staci Young - Head Secretary
Email: syoung@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-1091
Fax: (559) 897-6867
Island Community Day School
(4th-8th Grade)
1776 6th Avenue Drive, Kingsburg, CA 93631
CDS: 10-62240-0114587
Lisa Regier - Principal
Email: lregier@kesd.org
Gina Chrisman - Head Secretary
Email: gchrisman@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-6740
Fax: (559) 897-6872
District Department Contact Information
Food Services
1900 Mariposa Street, Kingsburg CA 93631
Kristy LeBoeuf - Director
Email: kleboeuf@kesd.org
Bricki McNulty - Secretary
Email: bmcnulty@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-3214
Fax: (559) 897-6743
1185 10th Street, Kingsburg CA 93631
Jason Wood – District Technology Coordinator
Email: jwood@kesd.org
Leah Underwood – Administrative Assistant
Email: lunderwood@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-6745
District Office
1310 Stroud Avenue, Kingsburg CA 93631
Dr. Wesley Sever - Superintendent
Email: wsever@kesd.org
Sarah Ballard - Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Email: sballard@kesd.org
Matt Stovall - Assistant Superintendent - Curriculum & Instruction, Special Projects
Email: mstovall@kesd.org
Bobby Rodriguez - Chief Business Official
Email: brodriguez@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-2331
Fax: (559) 897-4784
Community Schools
1185 10th Street, Kingsburg CA 93631
Linda Simmons - Coordinator
Email: lsimmons@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-6025
1900 Mariposa Street, Kingsburg CA 93631
Danny McIntyre - MOT Director
Email: dmcintyre@kesd.org
Lisa Oehlschlaeger – Administrative Assistant
Email: loehlschlaeger@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-6415
Fax: (559) 897-6414
Human Resources
1310 Stroud Avenue, Kingsburg CA 93631
Carol Bray - Human Resources Director
Email: cbray@kesd.org
Frances Sanchez - Administrative Assistant
Email: fsanchez@kesd.org
Leticia Gomez - Administrative Assistant
Email: lgomez@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-2331
Fax: (559) 897-4784
Student Services / Special Education
2455 14th Street, Kingsburg CA 93631
Erin Pasillas - Director
Email: epassillas@kesd.org
Katricia Jaime - Administrative Assistant
Email: kjaime@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-6864
Fax: (559) 897-6871
Expanded Learning Opportunities / EL
1900 Mariposa Street, Kingsburg CA 93631
Laura North - Director
Email: lnorth@kesd.org
Valerie MacAdam - Administrative Assistant
Email: vmacadam@kesd.org
Ph: (559) 897-8372
Ph #2: (559) 897-8374